Renewal and innovation for growth

Our focus is on accelerating your professional pathway - not with process but through dynamic change.  We help organizations, teams, and individuals achieve breakthrough thinking and new patterns of action.

How do we work with you?

Actionable insights

We help to create a condition that allows organizations, teams, and individuals to learn and to change by:

  • Challenging groups or a person to be inventive, not just inwardly but also outwardly through reflection and effective communication
  • Providing unbiased observations, unique perspectives, and feedback to facilitate performance improvements and enhanced emotional intelligence
  • Fostering awareness to take advantage of new opportunities

What we do?

Fuel progress and the imagination

For organizations:

  • Coaching for all position levels from new hires to executives to evolve, adapt, and discover/ invent new and more productive working dynamics
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  • Team Development by creating the foundation and building blocks in which team members can flourish
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  • Training to heighten emotional intelligence and enhance soft skills
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For individuals:

  • Career strategies / redirection to chart and groom for new opportunities
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  • Entrepreneurship coaching for start-ups
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  • Education advisory for going back to school and in targeting and applying to selected institutions
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